Welcome to Australia! I hope the drop bears gave you a very warm reception upon your arrival.This blog is going to be your one stop shop for everything you need to know to be a certified Espaussie! (Spanish/Aussie).It'll be a haven for when someone throws a 'G'day mate' your way and you have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, or maybe you forgot whose toilets are who's (cue that extremely awks moment with that hawwt guy you have been subtly staring at for the past few days!)or maybe it just didn't cross your mind that your fluro pink,orange and green Nike high tops just aren't suitable school shoes. Have no fear, Sofia is here! Together we can navigate our way through the treacherous forest that is highschool, so don't stress,start clicking and join the party!
Bienvenido a Australia! Espero que hayan tenido un buen viaje de regreso y está listo para comenzar la escuela secundaria! Sé que puede ser un poco de miedo pero no te preocupes porque yo estoy aquí para asegurarse de que tiene la mejor que nunca. Mira a este blog
cada vez que tenga un dilema, y yo estaré aquí para ayudarte. Hasta pronto, xoxo Sofia
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